If You Have “Bad” Credit, “Ok” Credit, Or No Credit, Keep Reading…

New Book Reveals A Counterintuitive Approach To Boost Your Credit Score By As Much as 80+ Points In Just 30 Days…

While Saving You Thousands, Getting Approved For The Credit You Need & Allowing You To Travel The World For Free With Credit Cards….

Make Sure Your Sound Is On!

What is The 800 Credit Score Blueprint?

The 800 Credit Score Blueprint is a counterintuitive approach to raising your credit score and reaching the 800 club without using shady credit repair companies. This method puts power and control back in your hands, allowing you to take control of your credit and financial future.

We achieve this by outlining a powerful blueprint that will guide you to achieving an 800 credit score no matter what your credit is now…It doesn’t matter if you have collections, missed payments, hard inquiries, or no credit history. This method works for anyone…

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The Entire Financial System Is Rigged Against Those Who Don’t Know How To Properly Use Credit…

In the world we live in, financial literacy is extremely rare. No one is teaching you how to manage your finances and build credit.

You’re left to struggle and figure it out yourself, often making costly mistakes that stay with you for the rest of your life…

That’s why nearly 40% of people have a credit score lower than 700, something we consider to be a massive problem…

And it’s true because having bad credit will cost you hundreds of thousands of dollars over the course of your life. Don’t believe us? Just take a look at the table below:

Table 1: People Who Understand Credit Vs Those Who Don’t

  1. Comparison between a $300,000 loan, on a 30 year schedule at a 3.0% interest rate versus a 4.3% interest rate.

  2. Four 48 month auto loans at a 12% interest rate vs 3% rate and avg $20,000 loan.

  3. $6000 balance over 30 years across credit cards averaging a rate of 24% vs 12%.

Every step of the way, the system works against you if you have bad credit.

Higher interest rates mean you can spend almost $80,000 more on a house than someone with good credit…

Or you could be paying an extra $16,000 on a car than someone who has learned how to play the game right…

It could even mean you get rejected for a job because of your credit history. Yep, I’m not kidding about this one…

Having bad credit is like walking around the world with a giant sign over your head that says:

“Stay away from me…”

Are you starting to catch on yet?

The system is quite literally rigged against those that don’t know how to play…

The 800 Credit Score Blueprint

Is An Unfair Advantage…

The 800 Credit Score Blueprint Is An Unfair Advantage…

But what my brother and I discovered when we were struggling with our credit is that there is a simple system you can follow to reliably raise your credit score and stop letting credit hold you back from the life you truly deserve…

Years before we created The 800 Credit Score Blueprint, we were clueless when it came to credit…We watched as those around us with poor credit got punished for mistakes they didn’t even know they made.

Friends and family got approved for car loans and auto loans with high-interest rates and were using credit cards with low limits because that’s all the bank would offer them…

My brother and I sat down and decided that there had to be a better way.

This led to us questioning the entire system and learning the truth about the credit system.

Years later, we’ve now grown to over 700k followers on TikTok and over 155k followers on Instagram, helping millions of people understand their credit and start leveraging it to their advantage…

All while traveling the world saving tens of thousands of dollars, getting upgraded to the nicest hotels and flights…

And finally having the credit we needed to grow and scale our business….A

fter several years of trial and error, we’ve discovered a bulletproof way for anyone to start improving their credit score, no matter where your score is at right now…

Now you have the same opportunity to duplicate everything we discovered while helping millions of people improve their credit score by downloading a $27.00 ebook called The 800 Credit Score Blueprint.

Here’s how it works:


The 800 Credit Score Blueprint

The Ultimate Guide To Getting An 800 & Leveraging Your Credit...

6 FREE Fast Action Bonuses

Free Guide: The 5 Levels of Credit Cards & Which To Avoid At All Costs

The ultimate guide to choosing a credit card & avoiding "bad" cards with high fees that take advantage of you...

Case Study: "How I Travel Hacked & Saved $16350 On An 8 Night Trip To Cabo"

Learn how I used my points to take a luxury vacation to Cabo, saving thousands on flights & hotels, while also getting free meals and drinks...

Free Guide: How To Get A $1500 Line of Credit TODAY With No Rejections...

If you need access to a line of credit NOW, this is a foolproof way because it is impossible for you to get rejected for this...

Bonus Video: Perfect Credit Report Breakdown

Look over Josh's shoulder as he reviews the credit report of someone with an 800 score, so you can learn EXACTLY what you need to hit an 800...

Free Guide: Best Beginner Credit Cards You Can Open Today

Everyone always asks us which cards to open, so we made this list just for YOU. These are the best cards for beginners and this guide is yours, FREE!

Free 30+ Page Ebook: Credit Repair Revealed

This book will teach you the basics of credit repair, why most "repair" companies are a scam, and why we don't recommend you repair your own credit...



Let Me Show You How We Help Thousands With Bad Credit Or No Credit Turn Their Life Around & Get An 800 Credit Score By Ignoring Mainstream Credit Advice, Breaking All The Rules, And Exposing The Lies You’ve Been Taught…

This Is Something Completely New, And Unlike Anything You’ve Ever Seen Before - Read The Story Below To Discover Why The 800 Credit Score Blueprint Is So Powerful…

Dear Future 800 Credit Score Blueprint Owner

From: The Credit Brothers

Re: Stuck when it comes to credit? This is for you…

Does it surprise you to see a $27 price tag on a book like this?

I thought so…

Would it surprise you even more, to learn that we’ve helped thousands of people repair and build their credit to get the credit they deserve and travel the world for free…

With the information contained in this 70+ page book?


You should be.After all, you can’t believe everything you read on the internet. 😉

So Let Me Prove It To You…

But first, read this disclaimer:

My brother and I have a combined experience with credit that extends almost 10 years…

The average person who buys any “how to” product on the internet gets little to no results. I’m using these references for example purposes only.

Your results will vary and depend on many factors …including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic.

All purchases entail risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you're unwilling to accept that, please DO NOT GET THIS eBOOK.

And yes, it took me time and energy to achieve my results.

With that said … let me jump right in and show you…

Like Jessica, Who Used The Methods We Teach In The 800 Credit Score Blueprint A Few Months Ago And Soon After She Finally Broke The 800 Club

Once she applied what she learned, the results finally came to her, even after she had struggled with credit before:

And even though she’s joined The 800 Credit Score Club, that’s not the best part…

The best part is that she now has everything she needs to start traveling the world and using credit to her advantage…

Getting the 800 credit score is just the start of a powerful world that is unlocked when you have good credit…

That's right, because once you break into the 800 club…

A club so exclusive and rare that very few people ever join…

You’ll unlock access to some amazing secrets that allow you to travel for free and use credit to your advantage…

And Jessica isn’t the only one either…

This Is Thomas, Who Used The Methods We Teach In The 800 Credit Score Blueprint To Raise His Score By 169 Points...

He followed all the steps we lay out and was able to not only raise his score by 169 points…

But he was also able to start earning 3x, 4x, and even 5x as many reward points as he was earning before…

Allowing him to start saving money on flights and hotels…

He recently sent us a message thanking us for hooking him up with the system that allows him to do this…

And told us he is getting ready to buy a house with low interest rates thanks to his new credit score!

Meet Charley, Who Used The Methods We Teach To Improve His Credit & Get Approved For A Mortgage For His AirBNB

And They All Did It By Using A Completely Counterintuitive Model That I’m About To Share With You On This Very Page…

The Same 800 Credit Score Blueprint that people from all over the world have followed to get an 800 credit score…

Get approved for the credit they need…

And best of all making their credit work for them, so they can travel the world, staying in luxury resorts…

All thanks to credit!

This powerful model is changing the way people view credit and allowing them to experience a whole new world where they can travel and leverage their credit to have life-changing experiences…

This is something completely new because:

  • We don’t focus on gimmicky hacks that don’t help your credit…

  • We don’t waste time sending useless dispute letters to the credit bureaus…

  • We don’t tell you to avoid debt and NEVER take use credit cards…

  • We don’t give you confusing advice that doesn’t apply to you…

We only care about taking the most effective steps that will raise your credit score and allow you to start building your credit IMMEDIATELY…

The Method We Teach In The 800 Credit Score Blueprint Allowed My Brother & I To Travel The World And Build The Business Of Our Dreams Thanks To Credit…

You see, when it comes to building wealth, credit is an extremely underrated part…Most people look at credit as just another “thing” they have to deal with, like taxes and insurance…

But when used correctly, credit can unlock a world of experiences that were previously unavailable to you.

Before we understood credit, we rarely traveled and always dreaded booking trips because of how expensive they were…

Now, we’ve stayed in some of the most luxurious hotels in the world…Lounged in First Class drinking champagne…

Have attended the Super Bowl every year for the past 5 years…

And even got us our own billboard in Times Square after we travel hacked an expensive trip to NYC for only $11.20 and saved thousands of dollars in flight and hotel costs.

And it was all thanks to the power of credit!

Once We Understood How Powerful Credit Could Be, Everything Changed…

Like I said…

Before we learned about the method we teach in The 800 Credit Score Blueprint…

Our lives were vastly different. We were living in what we call an “Anti-Credit Mindset.” Let me explain what that looks like, and you can tell me if you relate…

  • You avoid buying a new car or a house because you worry that you won’t be able to get a good loan or have to pay tens of thousands of dollars extra in interest…

  • You see vacations as a “rare” luxury, often only taking one vacation a year, or worse, no vacations. They’re too expensive, and you don’t get discounts or free flights…

  • You make all your purchases on a debit card, not racking up any rewards and putting your life savings at risk if your debit card is stolen or hacked…

  • You’ve listened to financial gurus who tell you credit is the devil, and without knowing it, you’ve lost tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of dollars, by paying for everything in cash instead of using credit…

  • You use your hard-earned cash instead of credit when an emergency occurs, leaving you with no money, living paycheck to paycheck…

  • When you do use credit, you can’t help but rack up a lot of high-interest credit card debt and be irresponsible with it since you don’t know how to use it correctly…

Trust me, we’ve seen it all before…

Not only did we fall for some of these, but all of our friends and family did as well.

Credit can be massively useful, but you must learn the right way to do things.

We Almost Gave Up On This Whole Credit Thing, Until Everything Changed

To be honest, my brother and I almost gave up on credit early on.

It seemed like an impossible mountain to climb.

Not only was there a never-ending stream of conflicting advice…

But no matter what we tried, our credit score didn’t seem to go anywhere.

Thanks to confusing apps like Credit Karma, we didn’t know what our score actually was…

And we got rejected for credit cards because we didn’t know what we were doing.

It would take us a few years to figure things out…

But once we cracked the code, everything fell into place.

We were helping people that had awful credit fix their credit…

Sometimes seeing score boosts of over 100+ points, with negative items dropping off their credit report like flies…

It was at that point that we knew we had something special on our hands.

Because not only were we helping thousands of people with BAD credit, but we were helping people that had OK credit get excellent credit…

And once those people achieved Excellent credit, they could start traveling the world for free and leveraging credit to make them $$$ just like we were.

That’s When We Decided To Put The Entire System In A 100+ Page Book Called “The 800 Credit Score Blueprint” That You Can Start Reading In Just A Few Moments From Now…

But before you do, let me formally introduce myself.

My name is Josh, and along with my brother, Chris, we are The Credit Brothers.

You might have heard of us from social media, where we have a combined total of a million followers across all platforms…

And hundreds of millions of views on our videos teaching credit.

My brother and I came from humble beginnings and didn’t learn about financial literacy and credit growing up…

But thanks to the techniques we learned in The 800 Credit Score Blueprint…

We’ve been able to unlock a life we never thought possible with Credit and Travel Hacking…

Traveling to the Super Bowl every year…

Staying in the nicest hotels the world has to offer…

And dining in some of the nicest restaurants in the world (we love a good steakhouse)...

It was all possible because of what we teach inside The 800 Credit Score Blueprint…

As We Get To Know Each Other… You’ll Quickly Realize That My Brother And I Didn’t Get Lucky - We Just Stumbled Upon A Proven System That Simply Works

I was barely 22 years old and living in a small town outside of Boston, Massachusetts, working as an Electrical Engineer at a defense company.

My brother, Chris was working as a general contractor.

Neither of us had any idea what we were doing…

But we know that we weren’t on the right path.

We had no access to credit and didn’t know how to travel hack flights and hotels to save thousands of dollars…

We didn’t understand that credit could be leveraged to help us make money and escape our jobs…

We didn’t know that the credit system was absolutely screwing us over in every way because we didn’t know how to play the “Credit” game…

And as I went to work each day, absolutely dreading sitting in a dark office for 10 hours a day working on the most boring work imaginable…

I knew something had to change.

Credit and investing had always been something that interested my brother and I, but we had never taken it seriously…

Both of us had mediocre credit at best and only had a few credit cards…

So One Day, I Decided To Open Up My Laptop And Figure This Whole Credit Thing Out…

So I dove right into the mainstream credit advice that you see everywhere.

Stupid myths like:

“Checking your credit report will hurt your credit score”...

“Closing a credit card will help your credit score”...

“You only have one credit score”...

“Paying off collections removes them from your credit report”...

“Your income affects your credit score”...

“Carrying a balance on your credit card boosts your credit score”...

“I don’t need to worry about my credit score until I’m older”...

And a bunch of other stupid advice…

I didn’t know it at the time, but listening to all this advice would do more harm than good…

And after trying a bunch of this mainstream advice, nothing changed at all.

In Fact, Following Mainstream Credit Advice Only Made My Score WORSE…

Yep, you read that right.

Following the stupid credit advice you commonly see only made my score drop…

And when opened up the app to view my credit score and saw it had gotten worse, I got super discouraged…

It almost made me give up…

But Then My Brother Discovered Something That Would Change Everything

This happened a few months into our credit journey.

We were making steady progress getting to the bottom of all the “useless” credit advice out there…

A friend of ours heard that we were learning about credit and asked us if we could help him.

After some financial trouble, he accumulated some credit card debt and his score DROPPED big time…

I’m talking about a low 600s credit score here.

It was bad…

But we couldn’t stand to see another friend of ours suffer from a system that is rigged against everyone…

So we decided to help him…

And it led to us discovering The 800 Credit Score Blueprint method we teach inside our ebook.

Because not only did we get the negative items off his credit report…

But using what we learned, he was able to improve his score by over 100 points…

This was just the beginning.

Once friends and family found out what we were able to do…

We had a never-ending stream of people reaching out to us asking us to help them too…

Next thing you know we were helping hundreds of people fix their credit and get access to the credit score they deserved…

Simona Went From A 521 Credit Score To A 718 Credit Score With Our Help…

All Simona wanted to do was buy a house for herself and her family…

But her credit score was low at 521…

With a score like this, getting approved for a mortgage simply isn’t possible…

But with our help, she was able to get her score all the way up to a 718!

Simona Was Finally Able To Buy The House She Wanted BECAUSE Of What We Teach In The 800 Credit Score Blueprint

And this was just the beginning…

We kept on helping people…

Refining the method…

And more and more people kept seeing AMAZING results even after trying everything they saw online…

Like Leslie, who went from a 540…

All the way to a 705 credit score!

The 800 Credit Score Blueprint Is The Most Legitimate And Easy-To-Use Way To Get The Credit Score You Deserve

Just think about it:

If you had a step-by-step blueprint that guided you through the complex world of credit and showed you exactly how to improve your credit, wouldn’t you be more confident in your ability to get the credit you need?

Of course, you would…

If you had the experience and insights of someone like us who have helped over 1000 people improve their credit scores, wouldn’t it be easy to figure out exactly what you’re doing wrong?

You bet it would…

If you knew that you would never be uncertain about your credit again and could get access to loans and mortgages that would save you tens of thousands of dollars or even hundreds of thousands of dollars over the course of your life, would you still choose uncertainty?

I don’t think you would…

If you knew that you could improve your credit score to a point where you could get access to free travel and other exclusive benefits that come with good credit, would you do it?

I’d be willing to be that you DEFINITELY would jump at the opportunity…

If there was nothing standing between you and the financial life you’ve always dreamed of, would you take a chance on yourself?

Hell yes, you would!

Our book, The 800 Credit Score Blueprint does exactly that…

And the best part that attracted me to doing it this way?

You Don’t Even Have To Waste Time Figuring Out What Works Because We Give You The Exact, Proven Method To Get An 800 Credit Score…

This means you can stop wasting your time with credit advice that doesn’t work…

That lowers your credit score…

And simply follow the steps as we lay them out.

The same steps that are proven to move the needle, as we’ve already shown you for the countless people that have worked with us…

Wanna Know What The Main Difference Is With The 800 Credit Score Blueprint And That “Old Way” Of Doing Things?

It all comes down to the terrible advice out there when it comes to credit. You’ll always hear the same recommendations…

“Keep your credit card balance low”

“Never miss a payment”

And all the other boring stuff these financial gurus and credit companies recommend…

But that is because they don’t focus on what it truly takes to get an 800 credit score.

We’ve figured out the exact formula that goes into getting an 800 credit score…

So instead of guessing what you need to get an 800..

Or just waiting around for your score to go up…

You’ll be able to make the exact steps you need to improve your credit report and get your score to an 800 in as little as a month…

Here’s a comparison of the “old” way of doing things vs the “new” way we teach:

And The Result Of Using This New Way?

Luxury travel experiences…

My brother Chris was recently able to take a 9 day trip to Cabo and saved over $16,458 off the trip compared to what it would normally cost him

Traveling around the world to attend conferences and teach people about credit…

And most importantly, living a life of financial freedom knowing that credit is helping us live life on “easy” mode…

All while we help hundreds of people on social media raise their scores, get amazing discounts on travel, and get approved for the credit they need!

Since Learning Credit Our Lives Have Completely Changed For Good…

Not only are we able to take so many more trips and vacations because of the credit card points we’ve earned…

But we’ve now been able to leverage our credit to get the funding we need to start a business…

Most businesses fail in the first 6 months because they run out of money…

But when you have access to the credit you need, that is no longer an issue.

My brother and have built out a massive business helping people repair their credit, and it would not have been possible if we hadn’t learned credit…

The really cool thing is that…

If you follow every single step that we teach, you end up with the same opportunities to travel and grow a business just like we did...

But it’s much more than that..

Understanding Credit Will Change The Way You View The World...

Most people look at credit and money through a scarcity perspective. They never have enough of it…

And when they do earn more, they are scared to lose it…

But when you get access to credit:

  • You begin to understand how the ultra-wealthy use money that isn’t theirs (credit) to build and grow their fortunes…

  • You stop seeing travel as an expense because you know that if you manage your credit properly and use everything we teach, you won’t be paying nearly as much for vacations ever again…

  • You start to see opportunities to use and leverage your credit everywhere. Business opportunities that you couldn’t participate in before because you didn’t have the extra money are now available for you profit with…

We’ve been travel hacking and enjoying the power of credit for almost 5 years now…

And it gets better and better each year.

As we’ve continued to refine the model and learned even more about credit, everything has become a lot easier…

And the same will happen to you once you get access to The 800 Credit Score Blueprint…

Now, speaking of the model...

I’m going to share something that’s a little bit disturbing with you.

Here it goes:

By giving you this model away at such a low price, we’re actually hurting ourselves and losing out on thousands of dollars in profit that we could have made…

Because everyone else out there that teaches credit charges hundreds if not thousands of dollars for this information…

And the stuff they teach still doesn’t come anywhere close to what we teach inside this ebook…

Because it all comes to down to one massive mistake that everyone else makes

Ready for it?

The #1 Mistake Everyone Else Makes Is Playing The Credit Game According To Someone Else’s Rules…

Here’s why:

There are two types of people out there…

There are those who follow the rules and do what they’re told…

And then there are those who think outside the box and try things that no one else has tried before…

Credit is no different.

If you follow the rules to improve your credit as laid out by other financial gurus or by listening to what the credit card companies teach…

You might never hit an 800 credit score.

After all, we showed you before that banks and credit card companies don’t want you to get an 800 credit score.

If you did, they wouldn’t make as much money off of you.

They game is rigged against you…

They prefer that you not know the truth about credit and play by their rules…

So while they might reward you by increasing your credit score a bit…

You’ll still end up with higher interest rates, more fees, and less rewards…

And by focusing on this “wrong” strategy - these people spend a lot of time…

  • Avoid using credit because they don’t want to “lower their score”...

  • Opening random “credit building” products and using other hacks in the hopes of getting a quick score boost…

  • Don’t open new credit cards or take out new lines of credit because they think they don’t need it or that it will hurt their score…

All of this keeps you stuck where you are..

The problem isn't the model itself it's the way these people view credit and how close-minded they are around the ways to use credit and how to improve your score…

And this is the same exact thing that happened to me before I figured out the model we teach inside The 800 Credit Score Blueprint...

The solution?

Use Our Counterintuitive Method To Build Credit Fast, Start Traveling For Free, And Leveraging Credit To Work For YOU…

And we do it all by throwing everything you’ve learned about credit out the window…

That's right...

I said it, we think the way credit is taught right now in this world is terrible...

...Because we’d rather spend our time getting lots of free travel, saving money on loans, and using our credit to work for us…

Instead of waiting years to get an 800 credit score and finally start taking advantage of what credit has to offer…

No thanks. I did that before, and it sucks.

So here's the deal...

...I explain everything in The 800 Credit Score Blueprint eBook. It's a 100+ page book that shows you everything you need to know.

So Here's The Million Dollar Idea Behind The 800 Credit Score Blueprint Model

Right now, as you're reading this very page...

There's a lot of activity happening in the world of credit…

Consumer spending has risen rapidly in the last few years, and more and more people are starting to lean on credit to pay their bills…

The problem is that most of the people who are looking to use credit do NOT have access to the credit they need…

And they’re tired of paying high-interest rates, high fees, and not earning any rewards…

They want a better way to get access to the credit they need, so they can earn rewards and free travel on the money they already spend every single day…

And as you may have guessed - we have that solution…

And what's really cool is that this model is so much faster, simpler, and more straightforward than anything you’ve learned about credit in the past…

Would You Rather Follow The Same Old Rules That Got You Mediocre Credit In The First Place? Or Use The 800 Credit Score Blueprint Method To.

Skip The Line And Unlock All The Benefits Credit Has To Offer?

And that's where The 800 Credit Score Blueprint comes in...

It does this beautifully in a number of easy-to-follow steps...

And that’s the difference here.

When you approach credit using this model, the results are fast and sustainable...

Instead of waiting months or years to improve your credit score…

You can figure out what you need to do TODAY…

And you can start improving it in as little as a single month!

I’m not saying the old way of building credit is bad.

What I’m saying is if your goal is to maximize your credit, save money on loans, and travel the world for free, The old “slow” way might actually be the thing that’s holding you back from getting it!

The old way is dependent on you not understanding what actually makes up your credit score so you have to keep guessing what you actually need to do to raise you score…

With the new way we teach, you’ll instantly figure out exactly what goes into an 800 credit score and how you can start achieving it NOW…

And that's why this is different.

And You Know What? We’ll Stake Our Entire Reputation On This One Promise

Once you start using The 800 Credit Score Blueprint…

Getting access to credit, traveling the world for free, and saving thousands of dollars is something you’ll never need to worry about again - or even think about…

Everything will become like second nature to you…

You’ll have a good credit score…

You’ll have access to the lines of credit you need when you need them…

And you know exactly how to utilize your credit to get the benefits and free travel you’ve been dying to get…

It’s something that will happen naturally if you just stick with what we teach inside the book.

Here’s what I want you to do now: set your calendar right now - set it to 6 months from today.

Because If you implement everything, I’m going to share with you in The 800 Credit Score Blueprint ebook.

That’s when you’ll start seeing your first score boost in less than a month…

That’s how easy this is.

I know how ridiculous that sounds…and cliche that sounds…

If I Can Do This, So Can You!

Because over 1000 people have already bought The 800 Credit Score Blueprint and have been using it to get some amazing results…

Here are some recent testimonials:

And Here's Another Reason

You Too, Can Do This

And Here's Another Reason You Too, Can Do This

It took my brother and I 4 years to "figure this out"...

...and another few years to perfect it.

Which is safe to say that there isn't anything left for you to figure out.

I already did all of the hard work for you.

I figured it all out.

Which means...there’s nothing for you to “figure out”.

You just need to download this book and, most important of all - implement it!

That’s it…

Here’s Exactly What You’re Going To Discover Inside The 800 Credit Score Blueprint:

  • The 6 most common myths around your credit score and why they are absolutely FALSE. If you’ve been believing these they are holding you back from improving your score and seeing the results you desire…

  • The most “False Prophets” when it comes to your credit score and why no one will actually tell you what your TRUE credit score is (plus we’ll go over how you can get access to the best credit report that banks use themselves…)

  • Why Credit Karma and tools like Experian Boost are doing you more harm than good and causing you to make massive (and potentially costly) credit mistakes…

  • The true secret to get approved for any auto, home, or credit card you want (and why score is NOT as important as you think)...

  • Why banks will sometimes reject your credit application even if you have a “good” score on paper. Plus we’ll go over exactly what they are looking for when they pull your credit report so you can give them exactly what they want to see…

  • The 5 pieces that ACTUALLY make up your credit score and how important each one is (We’ll also show you how to maximize each section to get the best score improvements FAST)...

  • The 5 most TOXIC items on your credit report that are preventing you from getting approved and how you can start getting rid of these ASAP…

  • The “Golden Ticket” credit cards that will unlock a whole new world of travel and rewards. These are the same ones we recommend to people in our Mastermind group that will get you the best rewards and FREE travel…

  • 3 Bulletproof Methods you can start using today to increase your score by as much as 106 points in less than a month (And, No, these don’t involve authorized users, any sketchy “hacks”, or scammy “Credit Building” products)...

  • If you have no credit or bad credit, you’ll discover the best recommendations we have for building your credit from the ground up, including multiple credit cards and loan options that you CANNOT get rejected for…

  • Our 800 Credit Score “Fast-Track” Secrets: These are the exact steps you will need to take to build your credit and hit the 800 club (Plus we’ll go over exactly what you credit report should look like to get an 800 credit score)…

We’ll also show you how to start taking advantage of free travel and other amazing benefits that you need good credit to start accessing…

If an 800 credit score is what you seek, this is the ultimate guide on how to get it.

Plus I'm Going To Give You Our Free Guide:

The 5 Levels of Credit Cards & Which To Avoid At All Costs…

We get hundreds of DMs per week on Instagram and Facebook asking us which credit cards people should apply for…

So we created this simple and easy to follow guide which goes over in great detail which credit cards you should apply for and which ones you should have in your wallet…

We also go over certain banks and credit cards that we NEVER recommend. These are the sketchy banks and credit cards that have hidden fees, or promise things they can’t deliver…

If you have one of these cards, you need to read this guide immediately so we can get you setup with the RIGHT credit cards to start building credit and taking advantage of free travel and other rewards…

And Before You Download The 800 Credit Score Blueprint eBook…I Want You To Know That There's No Catch!

I realize this is very inexpensive and that I’m practically giving it away…

And you’re probably wondering:

“If you’re doing so well with this, why would you give it away for next to nothing?”…

So there has to be a “catch”…

And I know there are some websites out there that offer you a great deal on something, but then they stick you in some program that charges your card every month.

This isn't one of them.

There's NO hidden "continuity program" you have to try or anything even remotely like that.

I'm literally giving you this entire book, for $27, as a means of "putting my best foot forward" and demonstrating real value.

My hope is that you'll love it, and this will be the start of a good business relationship for years to come.

But with all that said, there is ONE thing to keep in mind:

This Won’t Last Long…

The truth is...

I was planning on selling this book for $97, but that meant I had to print copies of it, store em, and ship them.

Which would eat up profits and also make it much more difficult to help more people.

Then I sold The 800 Credit Score Blueprint for $67, and over 1000 people downloaded it at that price....

...Which was great, but then I realized hey - this is an eBook. It doesn't cost me anything to sell other than a few bucks to advertise it.

By Lowering The Price To $27 instead of $67...

By Lowering The Price To $27 It Allows Us To Impact More People And Help Them Finally Join The 800 Credit Score Club

I consider that a true win/win...

Also, in most cases, I take a loss when selling the book at this price.

It costs me just over $25.00 in advertising expenses to sell one book.

So why would I do that?

Simple. I'm making this offer with the idea that you'll be very impressed with what I'm giving you today, and you'll want to do more business with me in the future.

I'm betting that you'll enjoy the book so much you'll call and ask to take additional classes or training from us.

Pretty straightforward.

Anyway - with all of that said, this is a limited offer.

You're Also Getting A Guide Showing You How I Travel Hacked & Saved $16350 On An 8 Night Trip To Cabo

For everyone that is interested in FREE travel, this one is for you…

A few months ago, my brother Chris took a big trip to Cabo with his girlfriend. They were celebrating their anniversary and he really wanted it to be a good time…

But when looking at the prices, he got disappointed when he realized he would spending tens of thousands of dollars to take the trip he wanted…

But since we both know all the secrets to travel hack and save thousands of dollars, that wasn’t going to stop us.

Using special tricks we teach plus a combination of credit card points, hotel rewards programs, and more, Chris was able to save over $16,350 on this trip to Cabo.

That’s absolutely INCREDIBLE

Now we want you to know you can do the same.

Chris recorded a 30+ minute video going over exactly what the did to get this trip for so cheap, including some secret tricks he used to get FREE room upgrades and FREE breakfast while he was staying at luxury hotels in Cabo…

And there's no charge for it. I want you to have this as my gift for checking out the book.

Plus, We’re also including these amazing bonuses valued at $297…

  • Bonus PDF Guide: How To Get A $1500 Line Of Credit TODAY With No Rejections…

  • Bonus Video Guide: A 30+ Minute Video Guide Going Over What A TRUE 800 Credit Score Looks Like

  • Bonus PDF Guide: Best Beginner Credit Cards You Can Open Today…

  • Bonus 30+ Page eBook: Credit Repair Revealed: How Credit Repair Works & Why Most Repair Companies Are A Scam…

Oh. And in case you're wondering ...


Of course, there's a money-back guarantee.

In fact, I think it's …

The BEST Money-Back

Guarantee In The World


Here’s the world’s best guarantee.

I know that before I get into anything…

…I’d like to know what I’m buying and that it’s backed by a solid money-back guarantee.

And I want you to be comfortable with this buy.

And even though it’s only $27...

Like my grandpa used to say “Test drive the car before you drive it off the lot”…

So here’s what I’ve arranged:

Download the eBook, read it out, but more importantly apply what you learn in there.

And if you’re not blown away by what you learn.

Then just shoot me an email and request a refund within 30 days.

We’ll refund you your $27 and let you keep the The 800 Credit Score Blueprint ebook free of charge, including all of the bonus guides and videos…

How’s that for the world’s best money-back guarantee? I’d say pretty good!

And since you’ve made it this far, I’ll assume that you’re ready to order, so with that in mind...

This Offer Expires In 2 Days...

Only $27.00 Today

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 so Here’s How To Order Today...

Click the button below and fill out the order form, and you’ll be reading the 2 Hour Agency in the next 2 minutes.

Price: $5.60

(Save $31.40 today) Download The eBook For $37 Just $5.60! Delivered instantly. Start reading in the next 2 minutes.

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Backed by Our 100% Money Back Guarantee.

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Until then, to your success,

Joshua Steil

Chris Steil

The Credit Brothers

P.S. Remember, The 800 Credit Score Blueprint comes with The BEST Money-Back Guarantee In The World.

Download it, read it, implement it, and get results.

And if you’re not happy for any reason (and I mean ANY reason) - just let me know, and we’ll refund you your $27.00.

Here's What's Included In The Book

  • The 6 Most Common Myths Around Your Credit Score and why they are absolutely FALSE. These are holding you back and keeping you from getting the score you want...

  • The “False Prophets” Of Credit Did you know that many places that claim to tell you your score are completely LYING to you. We'll teach you about your TRUE Credit Score and show you how you can get access to the best credit report that banks use themselves…

  • Why Credit Karma And Apps Like Experian Boost are doing you more harm than good and causing you to make massive (and potentially costly) credit mistakes…

  • The True Secret To Get Approved for any auto, home, or credit card you want (and why score is NOT as important as you think)...

  • Why Banks Will Sometimes Reject You even if you have a “good” score on paper. Plus show you exactly what they are looking for when they pull your credit report so you can give them exactly what they want to see…

  • The 5 Pieces That ACTUALLY Make Up Your Credit Score and how important each one is (We’ll also show you how to maximize each section to get the best score improvements FAST)...

  • The 5 Most TOXIC Items on your credit report that are preventing you from getting approved and how you can start getting rid of these ASAP…

  • The “Golden Ticket” Credit Cards that will unlock a whole new world of travel and rewards. These are the same ones we recommend to people in our Mastermind group that will save you thousands on FREE travel…

  • 3 Bulletproof Methods You Can Start Using Today to increase your score by as much as 80+ points in less than a month (And, No, these don’t involve authorized users, any sketchy “hacks”, or scammy “Credit Building” products)...

  • If You Have No Credit Or Bad Credit, you’ll discover the best recommendations we have for building your credit from the ground up, including multiple credit cards and loan options that you CANNOT get rejected for…

  • Our 800 Credit Score “Fast-Track” Secrets: These are the exact steps you will need to take to build your credit and hit the 800 club (Plus we’ll go over exactly what you credit report should look like to get an 800 credit score)…

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Book Reviews

Included Bonuses

Free Guide: The 5 Levels of Credit Cards & Which To Avoid At All Costs

The ultimate guide to choosing a credit card & avoiding "bad" cards with high fees that take advantage of you...

Case Study: "How I Travel Hacked & Saved $16350 On An 8 Night Trip To Cabo"

Learn how I used my credit card points to take a luxury vacation to Cabo, saving thousands on flights & hotels, while also getting free meals and drinks...

Free Guide: How To Get A $1500 Line of Credit TODAY With No Rejections...

If you need access to a line of credit NOW, this is a foolproof way because it is impossible for you to get rejected for this...

Bonus Video: Perfect Credit Report Breakdown

Look over Josh's shoulder as he reviews the credit report of someone with an 800 score, so you can learn EXACTLY what you need to hit an 800...

Free Guide: Best Beginner Credit Cards You Can Open Today

Everyone always asks us which cards to open, so we made this list just for YOU. These are the best cards for beginners and this guide is yours, FREE!

Free 30+ Page Ebook: Credit Repair Revealed

This book will teach you the basics of credit repair, why most "repair" companies are a scam, and why we don't recommend you repair your own credit...

The Easy Way

Get The 800 Credit Score Blueprint


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You're also getting..
Exclusive Video Training $700,000 Website Template Quickstart PDF Guide 2 Hour Agency Community 7 Day Fast Start Video Series

Only $27 Today

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Here's Everything You're

Getting For Only $27 Today

Included With Your Order

The 800 Credit Score Blueprint

For Anyone Looking To Get An 800 Credit Score, Save Tons of $$$, And Travel The World For Free…

Included With Your Order

Free PDF Guide

The 5 Levels Of Credit Cards & Which To Avoid At All Costs…

Included With Your Order

Free PDF Guide

How I Travel Hacked & Saved $16350 On An 8 Night Trip To Cabo …

Included With Your Order

Bonus PDF Guide

How To Get A $1500 Line Of Credit TODAY With No Rejections…

Included With Your Order

Bonus Video Guide:

A 30+ Minute Video Guide Going Over What A TRUE 800 Credit Score Looks Like

Included With Your Order

Bonus PDF Guide:

Best Beginner Credit Cards You Can Open Today…

Included With Your Order

Bonus 30+ Page eBook:

Credit Repair Revealed: How Credit Repair Works & Why Most Repair Companies Are A Scam…

Read the book directly on your computer, phone, or tablet and start implementing right away.

Only $67 $27 Today

(Save $40.00 today) Download The eBook For $67 Just $27.00! Delivered instantly. Start reading in the next 2 minutes.



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